The only word that’s coming to my mind right now is: WOW! (And this is really an understatement!)
This week we had our Battle Board Workshop – and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! It was a half day of people pouring their hearts and souls into business plans that are really going to work for them!
I warned everyone that they needed to come ready to work because we were going to maximize the 4 ½ hours we had together – and everyone brought their A game! (Really A+!)
Do you mind if I share a few of my favorite moments?
- Seeing people reflect on past business plans that didn’t come to fruition – and pulling out the parts they wanted to keep – and throwing away the rest – in order to create something new and great!
- Watching people create a vision for their business and align it with what they wanted to do moving forward – because no matter if you reaffirm what you’re doing or make a change – it’s empowering.
- Seeing excitement in people’s eyes as they crunched numbers and saw that reaching their financial and time goals this year is possible and not overwhelming!
- Assisting as people created month-by-month physical Battle Boards they have posted on their walls to track and adjust progress every day.
Just the name “Battle Boards” implies ACTION – but to see these boards come to life! I’m brought back to: WOW! (I know… you would think there’s a better word – but I can’t think of it right now.)
I truly hope you have your plans ready for 2021 – because with a plan in place now – you’ll be ready to conquer this year and make it your best!
Please comment below. I would love to hear from you.
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