This week has been all about leaders and leadership. We kicked the week off with Vanessa Judelman sharing “What Businesses Need to Know Right Now About Leadership.” Then you were introduced to Dana Moore of Inspired Lightwork.
But today, I want to know what you think about leadership. More specifically – when you hear the words leader or leadership – what comes to mind?
- Do you think about big business and the corporate structure associated with it?
- Perhaps you think back to some “leaders” in your past who were – well, let’s just say – not-so-fabulous?
- Or maybe you’re thinking about how you started your own business so that you wouldn’t have to deal with “leaders” at all?
But guess what? You’re a leader!
Why would I say this? Because – whether you wanted it or not – you’ve been called to leadership.
Just take a moment to read this quote:
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” —John Maxwell
That’s YOU!
After all, you wouldn’t have started your own business if you couldn’t do those things!
But let’s break them down – in case you need a little reassurance!
A leader is one who knows the way.
This one is probably the easiest to recognize in yourself. You’ve started down the path with your business – and no matter where you are on the path – you know where you want to go.
It’s not easy at times – and the path may not be as clear as you’d like – but you’re ready to tromp it down – or find a new approach – to get where you want.
That’s a leader.
That’s you.
A leader goes the way.
We often talk about how leaders should lead by example and exemplify the values they want to see in those around them – and you do that! Day in and day out, you show the best of yourself to others – and you should be so proud of that!
That’s a leader!
That’s you.
A leader shows the way.
Remember a few weeks ago when we talked about “Sharing Your Brilliance,” and I encouraged you to set the intention of working in your brilliance and sharing it with others? That’s exactly what “shows the way” is all about.
Whether you share it with your clients or with those in your expert network as you help one another achieve goals – you’re showing how it’s done and making a difference.
That’s a leader.
That’s you.
And don’t worry if you don’t have the whole leadership thing down to a science quite yet. As Vanessa told us: Leaders are made! And you can always learn new skills that are going to help you be the leader you want to be in the long run.
John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” And he was so right!
Please comment below. I would love to hear from you.
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