10 Acts of Organization: Month 2 Child’s Bedroom

Our second 10 Acts of Organization winner is “Michelle.”  When we contacted her to let her know she had won she said, “This has made my day!  I can’t wait!!! Thank you so much! ”

And we couldn’t wait to work with her either.  Michelle had asked that we ‘organize kids’ bedrooms’ when she made her submission.  Given that all the Sappari Organizers currently on staff are moms, this was familiar territory.

A Bedroom

Our second 10 Acts of Organization Contest winner is Michelle from Bel Air. Michelle won two hours of organizing, working with professionals, Jane Hall and Karin Walker. Michelle describes her experience:

Clutter stresses me out. I am so used to doing everything and my kids are used to me doing everything too, but it is driving me crazy. I can’t do it all. It makes me feel uneasy to see cluttered surfaces and messy closets. I love organized spaces but we have trouble getting rid of things, especially sentimental things. I save everything. I know it is silly to save some of the things I do. I guess I just need someone to help me make some of those tough decisions.

I have thought about hiring a professional organizer for some time but was not sure what to expect. I visited the Sappari Solutions website and saw they were having a contest where you could win two hours of organization. I really wanted to enter because I was stressed out. There are certain areas of the house I can’t take anymore. When I look at them, I just want to walk out.

When I found out that I won the contest, I couldn’t believe it. I was so excited!

I couldn’t wait for the organizers to get here. On the day of the organizing appointment, I was excited. I was looking forward to getting things done but I was a little worried they would pressure me to throw things out I didn’t want to. That was not the case.

Bed Bed After

The biggest problem areas in my house are my two daughter’s rooms and the basement. Seeing all the clothes, toys and messy closets causes me anxiety. I chose to have them organize my youngest daughter, Kara’s room, age 9.

Bed1 Bed1 After

Jane and Karin had Kara participate in the organization process since it was her room they were working on. They asked her questions and what her preferences were so that she would be happy with the results. They cleaned out her drawers and designated areas for certain things like her electronics. They cleaned out her closet and helped us get rid of items that should be donated or that did not belong in her room. They hung up a hook for Kara’s purses and even hung up a picture she has been wanting on her wall. I was surprised to see how Kara was so much better with the organizers, getting rid of things and making decisions. She was much more agreeable with them than she is with me.

Closet Closet After

I was very happy with the results. Kara’s room looks much better. When I walk in there now, I feel relieved. The closet is organized now. Before, I didn’t even want to open it up! Kara was happy with the results too. The organizers asked her if she was nervous about the appointment but she wasn’t. She liked being there and being part of the experience. She likes a neat and clean room and is glad that it will be easier to find things.

I am so happy with Kara’s room, I can’t wait for them to come back and work on my other daughter’s room and the basement.

Toy Corner Toy Corner After

To submit your entry to 10 Acts of Organization click here.

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