Are you alone in your office? Good. Take a minute right now and VENT. No one will see you or hear you. Let it all out. What is NOT working in your business right now?
Here are the things my clients share:
- You are stuck in the day to day of operations.
- COVID-19 hit hard and you are weary from the change, pivot, holding on that you have had to do over the last year.
- You have people who rely on you clients, employees, partners and see others making leaps and bounds but it seems like there is never enough time.
- You are losing energy and more pushing is not helping, nor are your other coping strategies that have worked in the past.
- You have a BIG idea, but you are unsure where or how to begin so you continue to wait.
- Change seems scary and you don’t feel you have the support team in place, yet, to make it happen.
- You are not sure who to connect with whose dreams are as big as yours.
I get it because I have been there. I know how frustrating all of those scenarios are.
Now that is off your chest, what are you prepared to do about it?
How about joining me for Momentum Live Virtual?
“I attended Momentum Live virtually. I created a plan for a new business. In six months, I went from almost zero dollars in the bank to $31K a MONTH.”
–Sonya Bethea
If you want a result like Sonya’s, register for Momentum Live Virtual 2021 right now.
In fact, register before April 1, 2021, and you will get the early bird price!
One day of transformational business coaching. Three days of priceless relationship building. An actionable plan to catapult your business forward WITHOUT adding more work hours to your day. All for $697.
Let’s do this.
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