And the Rains Came

Spring weather is alternatively inspiring, invigorating and depressing. Rain

We wake up to sunshine and warm temperatures one day, and have to drag out the winter coats and gloves the next. This creates some distinct challenges in our efforts to keep things picked up, at hand, and in order.

What to do with coats that are necessary one day and not the next? It’s probably going to be a few weeks before they can go into storage for the summer, but they don’t have to be lying all over the place on the days that the weather is nice. If you have a coat closet, ask each family member to be sure to put their outerwear away neatly. They may be there for a week or more. Winter boots can probably be put away, but not totally out of reach. It’s also a good idea, this time of year, to keep sweaters or jackets in the car. You never know when you might get caught out somewhere in unpredictable weather.

Sports equipment is going to start coming out for use. If you have a large tub that you store these items in, the garage or basement, or another transitional area, would be a good place to keep it. Ask that all the participating members of the family be responsible for grabbing their gear on the way out the door, and replacing it as soon as they get home. If you are running to practices all week, consider a tub in the back of the car. You can keep balls, gloves, rackets, cleats, and other equipment ready for practice. Also keep on hand a change of clothes for each athlete. That way if it’s cold, and they are wet and muddy, a quick trip to the rest room will make them much more comfortable.

For days when the weather is just not cooperating, try to complete one task that you want out of the way before summer. Organize a closet, go through the pantry and get rid of expired items, make a plan for your yard or garden, and do the research that you need to get done online, so that you can execute the plan as soon as it warms up.

This month, just roll with the weather, and make the most of every day!

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