Archive by Author

Organization = Empowerment

Empower Your Kitchen

Empower Yourself with Tools That Will Last a Lifetime The resounding theme of Cathy’s story has been one of self development.  Who knew that letting go of clutter could empower a person to believe in themselves and to take control of their life?  It happens every day at Sappari Solutions.  It is our mission to empower […]

Are you possessed by your possessions?

Cluttered with dishes

Possessions or Possession? As Americans, we live in a society that puts a huge emphasis on possessions. Whether it’s advertisers telling us that we should have more, or trends and movements that encourage having less, there is always someone telling us that possessions, or the lack of them, are what define us. In a sense […]

How To Organize Paper

call for help in organizing paper clutter

Paper. Mail. Magazines. Books. After time, knowing how to organize paper must be a close second in wishes to the Organizing Fairy Godmother. With tax season upon us, you may be embarking on your own paper organizing journey if for no other reason than you need to get the data to your accountant or your […]

Have You Met Haylee?

Haylee Shifflett

I hope so!  If not, please let me introduce her. Haylee Shifflett was born and raised in Baltimore, MD. After graduating from Towson University in 2008 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Communications, she began working full-time in the service industry to fund the curation of her local photography exhibits. In May 2010, a wedding photography […]