Archive by Author

The Life-Changing Magic of What?

Neat Kitchen

Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has been at the top of best seller lists and the talk of the Facebook town for long enough that I feel as though I must address it. The book even made a prominent showing at the 2015 Institute for Challenging Disorganization conference. My question is, […]

Keeping Track of Things for You and Your Family


What’s your biggest challenge in your home? Did you say: Keeping track of all the kids’ activities and my activities Keeping up with the housework Planning and getting meals on the table Homework hassles Procrastination Lateness Remembering to remember Problems with overshopping Clutter Staying up too late and not getting enough sleep. Was it one […]

Three Gifts: Diet, Sleep & Exercise – Simple Living Discussion Group – 12/17/15

Think these BIG 3 are not important to your organizational skills?  Think again!  In this session we will discuss the importance of diet, sleep and exercise to better organization and brain functioning. You are not alone and you can slow the speed of your life down. You’ve read the books, blog posts, web sites. You […]

Setting Goals With Students

Won 1st!

Goal Setting …is an important part of managing our lives. Knowing what our priorities are, setting objectives and working to make them reality, is a vital skill in our busy world. Parents would do well to begin teaching their children, as they grow, to set achievable goals for themselves and become proficient at breaking them […]