Archive by Author

Flexible Scheduling – Not 9-5


Flexible SchedulingYears ago, I saw a quote on Facebook that really stuck with me. It said, “Entrepreneurs are willing to work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week.” (Lori Greiner) Eschewing the corporate life and work structure for the “freedom” of working for themselves – but then becoming chained to their […]

What Do Businesses Need to Know Right Now About ESG?

jenny coombs

What is ESG?Some people might actually relate more to the original concept, which was socially responsible investing or SSRI. These days, it’s referred more often as sustainable and responsible investing.But this is a strategy, a way that we can work investments into achieving a specific, long-term goal, namely by investing in things that are protecting […]

Doing Business Differently


“The article you shared is a bunch of fluff.”  “That article sounds like it was written by AI.” “This word we are talking about could be part of BS* Bingo.”In a recent CEO Networking Meeting, these were the words I heard. And I welcomed them. Truth be told, I couldn’t wait to hear more.In business, and in life, the […]