Here is the comparison: Luckily there are plenty of choices if you live here in Harford (or Cecil) County for great grass fed beef. Check out my favorite farms in the side bar. If you are looking for grass fed beef in your neck of the woods try Don’t be put off by […]
Archive by Author
Drying Out
I think it is appropriate that amidst all this rain I would test drive the Nesco Professional Food Dehydrator. It is my little ‘rage against the moisture’ 🙂 The dehydrator was a birthday gift from my sister in law and although I had been itching for one for a long time, the ‘busy’ness of every […]
It was a perfect day to venture out blueberry picking and the blueberry bushes were heavy with berries at Spring Valley Farm in Cecil County. The berries are $2.65 a pound. We managed to pick 11 lbs in no time with the three little ones ‘helping.’ Little J was an expert picker whereas we had […]

Celebrating Independence Tomorrow is Independence Day! It’s the day that we celebrate our independence, as a country, from an oppressive government that was making it impossible for the people in America to determine the course of their lives and futures. Those people chose not to live under the dictates of a king that imposed unfair policies. Living […]
CSA Season in Full Swing: Radishes and Kale
I guess because of the heat, this growing season seems to have started off with a bang. Already our CSA basket from Sunny Hill Farm is chock full of great veggies. Two that I am not as used to preparing are Kale and radishes. For the kale, I tend to saute it in olive oil […]
Strawberry Season Flying By
There are seasons I can recall in recent history where I was still picking strawberries at the end of June. This apparently is not going to be one of them. Harmans still has some pre-picked strawberries but their picking season is coming to an end. If you are planning to pick strawberries to make jam […]
A Place for YOU!

Make a Place for You Making a place for you is a way of getting yourself into the spirit of a streamlined home. Start with a place that you WANT to be. It can be any room, part of a room. A corner. Your living room, bedroom, bathroom, but it has to be a place […]
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day may have been last weekend but we celebrated a week late with our annual family Mother’s Day Tea. This is one of my favorite meals to make and I am pleased that each year the food is more local and more seasonal than the last. This year I was able to use local […]
Did It Stick?

So it’s April now. How’s that New Year’s resolution working out for you? If you decided that you were going to keep the closet organized, the sink shined, or the laundry folded and put away, are the habits that you set out to create becoming part of your routine? Now is a good time to […]
Farmer’s Markets opening soon!
After all the cold, it is finally time for the Farmer’s Markets to open again. Bel Air Farmer’s Market will open on April 9. You can find out more here Aside from that many farms are still taking applications for CSA’s this summer. Sunny Hill in Whiteford still has openings if you go to […]