Archive by Author

It’s Time

Tomorrow, the Bel Air Farmer’s Market opens for the season. You can find out more at this website So check it out! We’ll be there perusing the chickens, plants and whatever fresh fruits and veggies we can find (asparagus, anyone?). We stopped in to Wilson’s Farm Market today and picked up ice cream from […]


My kids are picky eaters. I never thought bc (before children) that I would succumb to meatballs, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, pb&j on a daily basis. But, here I am five years into the parenting thing and my children eat pb&j almost daily. There were bags of meatballs and chicken nuggets from the big box […]


The foods that are widely available today provide the calories that may sustain us but these foods do not nourish us. I am finding that I am approaching food with an near religious devotion. There are so many philosophical, ethical, evironmental and other issues to consider before we even get to the taste and texture […]


I was searching for what specific topic to post on tonight and it arrived in my facebook message box. The topic is, Fresh, a documentary on food. As you may know already there are several documentaries on food already exposing the ugly underbelly that seems to run our food systems these days. I have not […]

Cooking Day

Today was a cooking day in spite of being busy. It rained, which kept us inside, but even still there were things to cook for dinner and snacks. It is time again to make granola bars but that will be on the list for tomorrow. Maybe in the morning while the kids are eating breakfast. […]

Just Grow It

I would love to garden. I do love to garden. My attempts often fail but it doesn’t stop me from dreaming every spring that this year will be the year I have a fabulously beautiful, or fabuluscious as I like to call it, garden and enough vegetables to maybe put one meal on the table […]

Food Revolution

The tv show WAS very interesting. The interactions were obviously dramatized as they are on all of the reality shows. But, I love that someone is getting out there and trying to put a face on these food issues. It is sad when a classroom full of children does not know a fresh vegetable from […]