The magic number is 50.
50 amazing experts.
50 informative and educational interviews.
50 takeaways to help you and your business.
50 new connections for you to make.
And it’s all coming at you in ONE new book!
Yes, that’s right – “What Businesses Need to Know Right Now – Volume 2” is available for pre-order!
It seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating the release of Volume 1 – and we were! But with so many fantastic entrepreneurs and executives – who so graciously gave of their time – it meant that a second book was a must!
This second volume covers everything from lead magnets to guest speaking to setting boundaries to the user experience – and so much more. The interviews are engaging, relevant, and provide you with so much information!
You can pre-order your copy today – and have this great resource as soon as it’s released this fall!
As always, I appreciate your support of this project!
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