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What Do Businesses Need to Know Right Now About the Protests and the Impact it is Having on Business Owners?

dr roch herold

What do businesses need to know right now about the protests and the impact it is having on business owners?Dr. Herold is sharing what businesses need to know right now about the protests and the impact it’s having on business owners. As a black, Haitian-American, and owner of a business, he’s the perfect person to […]

When Failure Is Not an Option


I was always at the top of my class.Getting good grades in school was expected because my parents knew that I was capable. I remember hearing that other kids received payments for “A’s,” and I brought this idea to my parents, but they weren’t interested. The grade mattered less than doing your best. That was […]

Productive Profits Video #1


Do you have five minutes? Well, 5 minutes 12 seconds – to be exact!Sure, you could answer a couple of emails or return a few phone calls, or you could get started with something that could transform your business.Because with five minutes, you can get started with the Productive Profits System.That’s right – in that short […]

What Every Business Needs to Know Right Now About How Your Business Should Be Representative of Who You Are?

keri herndon-brown

As a business owner, what are some of the things you saw as you went to apply for various grants and funding and loan options?The main thing that I found out from people that didn’t have their papers is that they needed their EIN number (tax ID) documented – which was something that the PPP […]

Sherene Rapoport


I hope you had a chance to read Tuesday’s email and the “What Businesses Need to Know Right Now” interview with Nathan Willard. He discussed the experience economy, being aware of the experience you create for your customers and communicating your story. (If you missed it, you can watch the video here!)It got me thinking about some of the […]

What Every Business Needs to Know Right Now About the Experience Economy?

experience economy

What is the experience economy?I didn’t invent the term “experience economy.” There’s a book called “The Experience Economy,” and the basic idea is that in the past, we had an economy based on commodities. Then we experienced the Industrial Revolution, and we started to focus on products. Now we’ve switched to services. And the experience […]

Sharing Your Brilliance


Yes, you! You are BRILLIANT!I don’t know if anyone has told you that lately, but you are.And it’s nothing to shrink away from or hide behind – especially with your business. Put it out there for the entire world to see.There are times we don’t see it ourselves.Why is that? had an excellent blog entitled […]