Did you read the email subject line and think to yourself, “Taking Time to Celebrate Success??? It was just three weeks ago that I created my 2021 goals and put my action plan into place! There hasn’t been time for success yet!”And, while that may be true…the keyword is: YET!Success IS coming.It may come tomorrow or […]
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This week is flying by! And I mean flying! But I’ve been checking things off of my to-do list and making strides towards this year’s goals – so I feel like it’s been an extremely productive week! And I hope it’s been the same for you!Did you have a moment to read or watch Jennifer McGinley’s […]
What Do Businesses Need to Know Right Now About Communicating in a Crisis?
We are definitely reeling from all that is happening currently. People are experiencing pandemic fatigue, as well as Zoom fatigue. And communication can sometimes be tiring. But it’s absolutely crucial to stay ahead of the curve.We’re now moving through the crisis. I always say have a plan “A” and a plan “B” and prepare. It’s […]
Managing Unexpected Surge in Demand (Boundaries and Systems)
This week we have been talking all about telling stories to create relationships, and then using systems to foster those relationships. When we do these things, we create strong connections with our clients and customers and engage in meaningful conversations in order to solve their problems and meet their needs.But what about when it works? What […]
Showcase Productive Profit System
Last week, at the Battle Board workshop, it was SOOOO exciting to see people putting together plans with action steps that are going to serve them well this year.And it was even more exciting to see the glint in their eye as they realized that hitting the FINANCIAL GOALS they set for themselves CAN HAPPEN.Of […]
What Do Businesses Need to Know Right Now About Storytelling?
If you think that storytelling is only for authors or writers, you’re wrong. Storytelling can be used to promote your brand and your business, which is why the topic is so important for business owners. And Joey Held is the perfect person to discuss what businesses need to know right now about storytelling.Why is storytelling […]
Planning for the Year – Highlights of Battle Board Workshop
The only word that’s coming to my mind right now is: WOW! (And this is really an understatement!)This week we had our Battle Board Workshop – and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! It was a half day of people pouring their hearts and souls into business plans that are really going to work for them!I warned everyone […]
The Value of Retreats – The Rookwood
I am so thankful to welcome in all the possibilities of 2021!2020 was the year of working from home.It was the year of the “new normal.”It was the year of Zoom.It was the year of uncertainty.It was the year of change.While we tackled each of these things head-on – because what choice did we really […]
What Do Businesses Need to Know Right Now About Working with Your Life Partner?
If you are in business with someone you live with, Amy Lindner-Lesser, proprietor of the Rookwood Inn, Justice of the Peace and the Co-Founder’s Coach shares how to work with those you love.“I’m somebody who’s gone through all kinds of life transitions. I’m a parent of two adult children, a grandma with 1 more on […]
Happy New Year, Superhero!
What’s your to-do list look like? Is it a mile long? Filled with things for your business that need to get done? Plus activities for your kids? A few errands you need to run? A commitment you made to volunteer? A coffee meetup with a potential client? And then a few more things that require […]