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What Do Businesses Need To Know Right Now About Tapping Into Your Inner Goddess To Be The Leader The World Needs Right Now


What’s something you do each morning to start your day?One of my personal practices is pulling a guidance card every morning. Some people call this divination, and some people use this as a spiritual practice. You may be familiar with it, for example, with tarot cards or Oracle cards, or even as simple as flipping […]

What Do Businesses Need To Know Right Now About Continuous Improvement?

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When so many businesses and strategies were tossed up in the air in 2020, now may be the perfect time to talk about continuous improvement in order to refocus and evaluate what’s working and what isn’t. Attila Dobai helps growth-focused businesses set a strategy and implement systems and processes to drive growth. He accomplishes this […]

The Function of Implementation

implement strategy

Recently I was working with my team member, Robin Blackburn; you might recall she is the editor of my book, What Businesses Need To Know Right Now, and we were brainstorming for a new campaign that will be going live soon.The concept that kept bubbling up to the top was ‘Strategy.’ We were thinking about […]

What do businesses need to know right now about marketing and young entrepreneurship?


How can young business owners leverage their mentors and professional contacts that might be just out of reach for them? What are your recommendations?This is such a relevant question, especially in the conversations that you and I have had in the past, because really, my solution to this is meeting people just like you, Nettie, […]

What Do Businesses Need to Know Right Now About Confidence And Hiring?

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How do you onboard correctly in today’s virtual world?The answer I give to everybody – carefully, intelligently, nicely, and with confidence.There are three elements to a really well-rounded onboarding program. You’ve got the organizational onboarding – making sure they have the paperwork. You have the technical onboarding – making sure that they have the laptop […]