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How to Laser Focus Your Lead Generation

Screenshot-2020-09-24-at-8.14.26-PM saw a Facebook post earlier that made me laugh. It was a post shared by the mother who was sharing the story of taking her kids out for ice cream. While they were there, a family came into the shop with a toddler. Dad lifted the toddler up so he could see all of […]

How to Create Momentum with Unstoppable Clarity

Screenshot 2020-09-24 at 8.41.45 PM you know what Dopamine does?According to Web MD, “Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter. Your body makes it, and your nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells. That’s why it’s sometimes called a chemical messenger.Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure. It’s a big part of our unique human […]

What Businesses Need to Know About Creating Partnerships

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Ask any business owner where there best clients and customers come from and they are likely to tell you referrals. Most business owners think about referrals from existing or former clients, creating partnerships with other businesses who serve the same ideal clients can be an amazing source of fantastic, ready-to-buy referrals.​Elizabeth Dodson from Home Zada […]

Avoiding a 16 Car Pileup


As a parent and a business owner, I often feel like I am directing traffic at a massive (and busy) intersection. Think spaghetti junction.I’m constantly evaluating what, or who needs my attention. That’s part of the beauty of being self-employed though, isn’t it? We have the flexibility and freedom to control our schedules as needed.Normally […]

Time to Change Your Perspective


With everything happening in the world today, we’ve all been reminded of how important it is to take some time to re-evaluate things and look at them from a different perspective.I get this reminder often from the most amazing source… my daughter.You see, my daughter has anxiety. One of the things that helps her is […]

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There


I noticed something recently and thought it might be helpful for you too. Have you ever heard the quote “what got you here won’t get you there” from Marshall Goldsmith?It means that the habits, behaviors, strategies, and tools that got you to your current level of success won’t get you to your next level of success. […]