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Thank Goodness I Am Not 29!

Not 29

It’s a running joke in the United States, at least in my neck of the woods that every year after a person turns 29 that they are just 29 again and again and again.  It is especially prevalent among women.  As if reaching 30 years old or *gasp* beyond is somehow a terrible thing.  It […]

Recommended Provider Interview: Stacey Andon

Stacey Andon

Stacey Andon, what do you do? I’m a life coach, speaker and trainer. My specialty is helping people fall in love with themselves and their lives as a gateway to living an authentic, passionate life. How did you get into this profession? I’ve been a lifelong learner, teacher and listener all my life. I started my professional career […]

When to Apply Labels

Containers with Labels

In the world of organizing, we organizers LOVE to label.  Labels add clarity, reduce confusion and help others support the system you are creating.  But labeling should only apply to things. When we begin to label ourselves and others we often find the result to be harsh and limiting.  The language that you use to […]

Organization = Empowerment

Empower Your Kitchen

Empower Yourself with Tools That Will Last a Lifetime The resounding theme of Cathy’s story has been one of self development.  Who knew that letting go of clutter could empower a person to believe in themselves and to take control of their life?  It happens every day at Sappari Solutions.  It is our mission to empower […]