Our fourth 10 Acts of Organization Contest winner is Barbara from Abingdon! Barbara won two hours of organizing, working with professionals, Jane Hall and Karin Walker. This is our way of giving back to the community in honor of celebrating our 10th Anniversary. To submit your entry, click here. Read on to learn Barbara’s story: Letting […]
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RSS feed for this sectionOrganize for a Relaxed Vacation
It is June but the desire to make the most of summer is upon us. School, cool weather and a hectic pace are just around the corner. Take time now to plan and enjoy your vacation. Before you head out of town by car, plane or train, put a little planning effort in and you will […]
The Clutterer Rating Scale
From The Hoarder in You: How to Live a Happier, Healthier, Uncluttered Life by Dr. Robin Zasio 1. Clean & Clear – your home is orderly, no dishes in the sink, all surfaces are clear, beds made, no dishes in the sink, closets, drawers and kitchen pantry are neat & organized. Your Habits: You ask […]
10 Acts of Organization: Month 3- An Office
Office Organization Our third 10 Acts of Organization Contest winner is The Friends of Patterson Park (FPP), a non-profit membership organization formed in 1998 to promote, protect and advocate for our treasured common ground so that it can be enjoyed for generations to come. They were nominated by one of their board members (a Sappari […]
The Latest in the Organizing Industry
I am sitting in sessions right now at NAPO National Convention in Scottsdale, AZ. It is hot! the weather and the great information. I love being surrounded by both like minded and different people in similar businesses with different perspective. If you are on social media, you can follow along on: Twitter.com/SappariSolution Linkedin.com/SappariSolutions […]
Carl’s Messiest Garage Contest starts May 29th!
Carl’s Door Service Celebrates National Garage Door Safety Month by Hosting its First Annual “Carl’s Messiest Garage Contest” To coincide with National Garage Door Safety Month in June, Carl’s Door Service, Inc., together with professional organizing firm Sappari Solutions and junk hauling and removing company BumbleJunk, will launch its first annual Carl’s Messiest Garage Contest […]
Clear Your Clutter Day 2014 was a huge success!
Clear Your Clutter Day at Harford Community College on April 26th was a huge success! On April 26, 2014, hundreds of Harford County-area residents unloaded pounds of clutter at the 4th annual Clear Your Clutter Day hosted by Sappari Solutions Professional Organizing and Harford Community College (HCC). Nearly 500 vehicles full of unwanted items were […]
An Organized Closet is a MUST
If your clothes are in a state of chaos, chances are you start the day frazzled and feeling less than your best. The #1 cause of a closet being disorganized is it is full of clothes that aren’t being worn. These unused clothes are stealing prime real estate from your favorite clothes. Want to spruce […]
10 Acts of Organization: Month 2 Child’s Bedroom
Our second 10 Acts of Organization winner is “Michelle.” When we contacted her to let her know she had won she said, “This has made my day! I can’t wait!!! Thank you so much! ” And we couldn’t wait to work with her either. Michelle had asked that we ‘organize kids’ bedrooms’ when she made her […]
10 Acts of Organization: Month 1 An Office
Every month from February – November, 2014 we are collecting entries in our 10 Acts of Organization Contest. If you would like to submit an entry to receive two hours of free organizing services, click here. Our first 10 Acts of Organization winner is “Sally.” When Sally submitted her photos for her office, she had […]