On Thanksgiving, it is easy to remember those things that are easy to be thankful for. It doesn’t mean that these things are any less important. But is easy to be thankful for our friends, family and the good gifts that God has bestowed upon us. But what about the tougher stuff? How many of […]
Archive | Blog
RSS feed for this sectionApproaching the Holidays
It has begun. The approach to the holidays. The Christmas decor has appeared in the stores, advertisements are talking about shopping, Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. Holiday parties are in the works. In fact, I am going to one tomorrow night. With just two weeks ’til Thanksgiving and a month and a half until […]
Taking a step: eat more leafy greens!
We have all heard it before: Eat More Leafy Greens! Why should we do that and what exactly is a leafy green? Why you should “Eat More Leafy Greens” A major problem with the Standard American Diet (SAD) today is we eat too many processed foods. These processed foods contain very low levels of essential […]
What’s Hampering Your Habit?
Are you getting in the way of forming a new habit that would make your life run more smoothly? Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to change our lives quickly and drastically? I have found that small changes make the biggest difference. What’s so great about small changes? They allow you to […]
Your “Too Much” problem. Let’s talk about overweight!
The first step toward solving a predicament is identifying the problem. When Sappari Solutions surveyed a group of people regarding “what concerns you”, weight came out as the #1 concern of 85% of the respondents. The elephant in the room So let’s talk about the elephant in the room! How many of us are overweight? […]
What is Too Much?
Recently, I sat down with Barbara Wagner, owner of Bahoukas, president of the Havre de Grace Green Team, former Havre de Grace Council Woman, mom and registered dietician. We have been meeting regularly discussing ways to share what we know and love with others. When we sat down to this conversation, we had ideas about […]
Organized Living
What is Organized Living? Often when I share with individuals that I am a professional organizer and provide organization for a living the response is, ‘Oh, I could use THAT!’ or ‘My goodness, my mother needs you!’ When I share that I work with the chronically disorganized population as well the next statement is a […]
…The Less You Need
I was walking through a little shop while on vacation and found this sticker which I picked up right away. The More You Know the Less You Need. I thought it was fitting given the simple lifestyle that I like to promote. I am always sharing that when you have less, then life is easier […]
Sappari Solutions Joins YouTube
Getting Started with YouTube I had been wanting to jump in the YouTube bandwagon and reach out to a greater population with video but the idea seemed daunting. I had wanted to give you the opportunity to meet me, in person, but I thought I would need to prepare too much. Thankfully, with the encouragement […]
What Does An Organizer Do?
When I say “Professional Organizer” so many images are conjured in the people I am speaking to. They may see a super hero flying in to wipe out the clutter, a team of happy cleaning people bringing order to a space or a business professional (with a stop watch instead of a whip) keeping you […]