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Work It Out

I would say, as a rule, we eat fairly healthy and well in this house. But, Monday night has become gym night for my husband and myself and I have a stronger desire than normal on these nights to eat well.  Probably part of the impetus is a desire not to loose my meal while […]

Cherries Jubilee!

Ok. I didn’t actually make Cherry Jubilee but we have had quite a celebration of cherries around here recently.  Sour cherries come in ripe (usually) at the end of June and are available to pick for 1 week.  It’s a small window so you have to know when to start calling to ensure you don’t […]

What’s For Dinner?

This Wednesday was the first day of our summer share with Sunny Hill Farm.  Wow!  What an abundance!  We received broccoli, spring onions, romaine lettuce, spinach, cabbage, asparagus, eggs and a potted herb.  So much delicious food but planning meals based on your basket can be a challenge. I have several goals with each meal: […]

Ah! Strawberries!

As much as I wanted to do strawberry picking earlier this season, especially since they came in early this year, life just wouldn’t allow it.   So today, I literally had an hour and a half to squeeze a memorable moment of picking in.  I grabbed my two oldest helpers and headed over to Brad’s […]