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Leading a Business with Intentionality


Recently I was interviewed by Kent Gustavson, PhD and Randy Baker for their “Thought Leader” podcast. It was a great 30-minute conversation covering everything from energy and organization to success and overwhelm. One of the things Kent and Randy remarked on was my calm demeanor that still had an energy to it. They used the word […]

What Every Business Needs to Know Right Now About Mindset Blocks

judy kane

How does mindset impact someone’s business?It affects all of it. Because what’s in your subconscious really influences about 95% of your life and your experience. And you don’t always know what’s there other than seeing how your life is playing out. So, if you’re not focused on what’s going on at the moment, whenever you’re […]

The Great Resignation, Mindset & Politics

pause button

Have you ever thought about what would happen if we could hit a really big “pause” button and stop the frenetic pace across the globe?  Impossible, right?But then it happened.Other than a small fraction of pandemic specialists, I imagine few of us could have ever fathomed the reality of March 2020. While for some in the […]

How to Increase Your Work Effectiveness


We’ve all heard the expression, “Work smarter, not harder.” But what’s the end goal? More clients? More money? More prestige? Yes, on the surface, those might be your immediate goals – but I don’t necessarily think they should be.“The point of working smarter is to generate a leisure dividend,” states Judith Kolberg in her book, […]

Lattus and The Momentum CEO Network


Earlier this week, you were introduced to Pete Schramm, founder and CEO of Lattus – a dynamic platform that helps people cultivate connections and create a community based on focus and value-driven conversations.And, for the past few months, I’ve been inviting other CEOs and business owners to join me on Zoom. We’ve been having meaningful […]

What Every Business Needs to Know Right Now About Cultivating Connections

pete schramm

What do we, as business owners, need to be focusing on in order to cultivate connections?If we think about our business, and whether it’s five people or 500,000 people at our company, without our employees, without our team members, we cannot execute the work. We can’t accomplish it.And whenever you look at your balance sheet, […]

Who Do You Need to Be to Achieve Your Vision?


Take a look at this quote…“Many people begin the process of changing their habits by focusing on what they want to achieve. This leads us to outcome-based habits. The alternative is to build identity-based habits. With this approach, we start by focusing on who we wish to become.”Okay…name the author and the book!……..Ding-ding-ding! You win […]