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Did It Stick?


So it’s April now. How’s that New Year’s resolution working out for you? If you decided that you were going to keep the closet organized, the sink shined, or the laundry folded and put away, are the habits that you set out to create becoming part of your routine? Now is a good time to […]

And the Rains Came


Spring weather is alternatively inspiring, invigorating and depressing.  We wake up to sunshine and warm temperatures one day, and have to drag out the winter coats and gloves the next. This creates some distinct challenges in our efforts to keep things picked up, at hand, and in order. What to do with coats that are […]

March Moves In

March 2011

March is here! That transitional month between winter and spring. March is a month of action. The Earth prepares for another season of growth, and this month, as it comes “in like a lion out like a lamb” we get a taste of nature’s own order. Nature knows what is needed and what needs to […]

A warm day

Wow! It feels like spring. There is still a ton of snow on the ground, in spite of the 60F day but we don’t get much sun around our house to melt it. The birds are singing and I can almost ignore the fact that the temperate is going to drop next week again. At […]

Check Out Grocery IQ


A friend put me on to a really helpful new way to keep my grocery list. It’s an application called Grocery IQ that is available online and also as an app for smartphones. I have been using it all week and I love it! You can add items by typing them into the list, or […]