Make a Place for You Making a place for you is a way of getting yourself into the spirit of a streamlined home. Start with a place that you WANT to be. It can be any room, part of a room. A corner. Your living room, bedroom, bathroom, but it has to be a place […]
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RSS feed for this sectionMother’s Day
Mother’s Day may have been last weekend but we celebrated a week late with our annual family Mother’s Day Tea. This is one of my favorite meals to make and I am pleased that each year the food is more local and more seasonal than the last. This year I was able to use local […]
Did It Stick?
So it’s April now. How’s that New Year’s resolution working out for you? If you decided that you were going to keep the closet organized, the sink shined, or the laundry folded and put away, are the habits that you set out to create becoming part of your routine? Now is a good time to […]
Farmer’s Markets opening soon!
After all the cold, it is finally time for the Farmer’s Markets to open again. Bel Air Farmer’s Market will open on April 9. You can find out more here Aside from that many farms are still taking applications for CSA’s this summer. Sunny Hill in Whiteford still has openings if you go to […]
And the Rains Came
Spring weather is alternatively inspiring, invigorating and depressing. We wake up to sunshine and warm temperatures one day, and have to drag out the winter coats and gloves the next. This creates some distinct challenges in our efforts to keep things picked up, at hand, and in order. What to do with coats that are […]
Keeping Your Electrons In Order
It is enough of a challenge to keep our physical homes in order, but today we have another layer of stuff to add to the physical things that clutter up our space. The stuff that I am referring to is electronic clutter, and while it is easier to ignore it, it can be just a […]
Green Kitchen Design
As some of you may know, I am on a journey to redesign my kitchen. The main point is to better utilize the space in my home. As a second point I would like to take this opportunity to make my kitchen more environmentally friendly. I cook… a lot… and between the materials that we […]
March Moves In
March is here! That transitional month between winter and spring. March is a month of action. The Earth prepares for another season of growth, and this month, as it comes “in like a lion out like a lamb” we get a taste of nature’s own order. Nature knows what is needed and what needs to […]
A warm day
Wow! It feels like spring. There is still a ton of snow on the ground, in spite of the 60F day but we don’t get much sun around our house to melt it. The birds are singing and I can almost ignore the fact that the temperate is going to drop next week again. At […]
Check Out Grocery IQ
A friend put me on to a really helpful new way to keep my grocery list. It’s an application called Grocery IQ that is available online and also as an app for smartphones. I have been using it all week and I love it! You can add items by typing them into the list, or […]