I was reminded today in a conversation with my sister that there is a time and a place for food. She has been reading a book, Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide, Revised and Updated Edition, and was pleasantly surprised when the final chapter reiterated and reinforced the concepts that I have been reading about, […]
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RSS feed for this sectionZucchini Bread
Zuchinni is a wonderful vegetable that even though it is abundant when in season can easily be added to recipes without changing the flavor. This recipe can also be made into muffins by dividing the batter into muffin cups and shortening the baking time. It was originally based on a recipe from AllRecipes.com however I […]
Movie Review: Killer at Large
I cannot recall what tipped me off to watching this movie, Killer at Large but a few weeks ago I requested it from our library and brought it home to watch. As with many of the books and movies that I am researching now the themes are similar as is most of the information but […]
If you are looking for great recipes with Kale start here EatingWell.com. In this week’s basket from Sunny Hill we received kale, lettuce, green beans, blueberries, cucumbers, zucchini and summer squash. I went blueberry picking today with the kids to Spring Valley Farm in Conowingo. The peaches were ripe, too and I made their first […]
What to do with fresh spinach
So, the spinach season is coming to an end and you have already had spinach & strawberry salad, spinach frittata, spinach quiche, cream of spinach soup and honestly at this point you are just spinach’ed out. Spinach is quick and easy to preserve by freezing and it is easier to add to your favorite dishes […]
Sausage and Noodles with Garlic, Spinach Cream Sauce
I just concocted this tonight so I am not sure if someone else has made it before. I would make a few changes for next time but before I forgot I thought I ought to write down the recipe. 7 oz of drained, chopped, cooked spinach (we had some frozen from earlier in the spring)1 […]
Traveling South and What’s in Season
We just returned from a trip to the south for a family reunion. We bagged up our weekly share of veggies, cheese and fruit and took it with us. But, I was happy to pick up a few local things while in the area: boiled peanuts, peaches, bbq chicken and pulled pork, coleslaw, etc. It […]
Just Food
For a while now I have been reading my way to a better understanding of our food system and how we can change it. I spotted the book Just Food: Where Locavores Get It Wrong and How We Can Truly Eat Responsibly while in Barnes and Noble in March and added it to my ‘To […]
Transition to Summer

The year has ended or is ending for most of us. Whether we are in school, have kids in school, or teach, this is the time of year when we are wrapping things up for another year and looking forward to the pool, picnics, vacations, and cookouts. I know there are always things I plan […]
Delicious Fritatta
Tonight’s dinner incorporated many of the foods in my basket of goodies. I found this great Basic Broccoli Frittata on a website called ichef.com. I served it with a salad and toast. The kids had scrambled eggs, steamed broccoli and toast and were just as happy as the adults. Every plate was clean tonight!