Spring is unfolding everywhere. Summer is on the way and the weather is warming up (more often that it is cooling off!) Yippee! Tomorrow the Havre de Grace Farmer’s Market opens from 9am-12pm on Pennington Avenue. It is not as big as the Bel Air market but still a great place to go! Check it […]
Archive | Blog
RSS feed for this sectionRoast Chicken
On Saturday evening we roasted the chicken that we brought home from Rumbleway. Big J and I agreed that it was very juicy and flavorful. We have leftovers that need to be frozen from that meal and just this morning I used the carcass and a handful of veggies to make stock. It is already […]
Menu Planning
Here’s what’s on the menu for this week: Monday: Spanish Tortilla (eggs) and a mesclun saladTuesday: Black bean burgers, roast asparagusWednesday: Homemade Pizza with very veggie sauce, cheese, fresh sausageThursday: Curried Goat (need to find a recipe) Friday: Spaghetti with meat sauceSaturday: Chicken…TBASunday: Probably Leftovers
Supersize Me
So, I am a bit behind the times. I heard about the movie Super Size Me when it came out and even listened to radio commentary about the documentary at the time. This morning, we watched the movie. Little J wanted to watch the movie about McD’s. We decided it wouldn’t harm anything if he […]
Chicken and a Spring Share
Today and every other Friday after 3pm, Rumbleway Farm will have chickens available. They are fresh on the weekend and frozen in between pick up days. Rumbleway Farm is a grass farm and certified organic. If you are looking for sustainable agriculture, this is it. Visiting the farm is a lot of fun as the […]
A good day in my world of food
Today I picked up the bookThe Town That Food Saved: How One Community Found Vitality in Local Food from the library. I have had it on reserve for a while now and have just been waiting anxiously for it to arrive. Now all I want to do is dig right in and devour all it […]
Hamburgers in Paradise
Last night’s dinner was the quintessential hamburger. I was looking for a simple burger recipe and I found it here Basic Grilled Burgers The recipe calls for ground beef, salt and pepper. The instructions for cooking them are simple and create absolutely delicious burgers. I topped mine with mayo, ketchup and mustard. The beef was […]
Earth Day 2010

Tomorrow, April 22, is Earth Day. Going “Green” has become the newest fad, if it can be called that. The idea for Earth Day actually started nearly 50 years ago in 1962. You can learn more about it’s history here earthday.envirolink.org. Earth Day, a priority day for earth related issues, came before our excessive shopping […]
Asparagus Soup
I love pureed vegetable soups. My kids tend to eat them more readily than chunkier counterparts and they can be made with just about any vegetable in any season. We had asparagus soup last night, blueberry muffins and local cheese. The biggest fan was E, she had not yet tried asparagus but gobbled up the […]
Spinach Frittata and Potato Salad
I love when I can pull together a mostly local, seasonal meal and tonight was the night. There were a few ingredients that did not come from Harford County but they were the exception. Tonight we had Spinach Frittata and Potato Salad. The Spinach Frittata recipe came from simplyrecipes.com. Even though the kids didn’t devour […]