originally based on Double Chicken Dumpling Soup by Rachel Ray 4 ribs celery from the heart, chopped 2 onions, chopped 4 carrots, cubed/chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 fresh bay leaf Salt and freshly ground pepper 6 cups vegetable broth (6 c. of water, 2 T of Better Than Boulion) 2 c. chickpeas rinsed and drained. Dash freshly grated nutmeg 1 1 pound package gnocchi […]
Archive | Food for Thought
RSS feed for this sectionHot Chocolate for a Snowy Day

Hot Chocolate You can’t have a snow day without hot chocolate! I took the wee ones for a snowy winter walk this morning and then it was time to warm up with a cup of cocoa. Even though we had just gone for a lovely walk I didn’t want to fill them up on sugar […]
Resolutions for 2014 – Our Best Year Yet!!!!

“I want to follow thru with my resolutions this year!” With New Years 2014 just around the corner it is a great time for us to look ahead and plan for a fabulous year! Many people make resolutions at this time of year, only to break them within a few days. Frequently these resolutions are […]
Taking a step: eat more leafy greens!

We have all heard it before: Eat More Leafy Greens! Why should we do that and what exactly is a leafy green? Why you should “Eat More Leafy Greens” A major problem with the Standard American Diet (SAD) today is we eat too many processed foods. These processed foods contain very low levels of essential […]
What is Too Much?

Recently, I sat down with Barbara Wagner, owner of Bahoukas, president of the Havre de Grace Green Team, former Havre de Grace Council Woman, mom and registered dietician. We have been meeting regularly discussing ways to share what we know and love with others. When we sat down to this conversation, we had ideas about […]
“Carrot Tops” Pesto! Have I gone nuts??

The Confession I have a confession to make: I hate to waste anything fresh from the garden! That being said, when I found this recipe for carrot tops pesto I was skeptical. How good could these carrot tops possibly taste if I had been throwing them away for all these years? I never even heard […]
How to Dry Oregano

Dried fresh oregano is yummy and tasty! Oregano and other fresh herbs are easy to grow and are a tasty addition to freshly cooked meals! Oregano is an herb with a warm, balsamic and aromatic flavor making it the perfect for Mediterranean and Mexican cuisines. This popular herb’s name means “mountain joy”. Easy to dry! When herbs […]
Jamaican Red Bean Stew

A good friend of mine passed this recipe along to me. I made changes, as I do, to make it more plant based and use the foods that I had available. The Savvy Vegetarian also borrowed the recipe from the book the Quick-Fix Vegetarian: Healthy (Google Affiliate Ad). If you enjoy my blog and the delicious […]
Plant Based Camping

When I started writing this I had gone over a month without a post! I hope you will forgive me and forgive my lack of photos with my recipes. I realized that I was worrying about getting my blog just right, about posting my recipes and messages as soon as possible and about devoting enough […]
Kale, White Bean & Potato Soup
This is an original recipe. I would like to tweak the seasoning some but I will throw it out there to the masses and you can report back to me on the adjustments that you would make. Ingredients: 1 lb white navy beans (pre-soaked), rinsed and drained. 8 c. chopped fresh kale 1 c. (1 […]