Client Story: A Day With An Organizer

“I wanted an outside, neutral party.” was the big reason that caused this busy attorney and mom of three to call and reach out for organizing support.  She needed relief for her 7 year old daughter’s bedroom and toys.  “It (the bedroom) had become a point of contention.” Rebekah went on to share.   “She (the daughter) couldn’t find anything,” and then each encounter had become a big to-do, a back and forth between mom and daughter.


Dad tried to help but the solution was to simply push the toys to the edges of the room.  Even the house cleaner was at a loss and would toss the toys in the nearest bin creating a chaos of My Little Ponies, Legos and dress ups.  Although there was not a lot to part with, as Rebekah and her daughter and culled the toys recently, everything needed to be sorted and a system was desperately needed.


For her own sanity and the sake of their relationship, Rebekah had come to ignore the room and not address the issue with her daughter but then the space became non-functional.


After her initial call for help, it was decided a full day of organizing to strategize solutions and implement a system would make the most sense.  


“We sorted.  There was wasn’t a lot to get rid of because I had already done that stage.  We put things in the appropriate containers that were the right size and clear.”  In the past, Rebekah had a difficult time determining what system (ie containers) would work best to fit the items being stored.  Together, we looked at how the space was being used, what her daughter’s strengths were and what needed to be stored.  We made 1 trip to Home Depot to collect the necessary containers after sorting and measuring everything.  By 5pm, everything was in an assigned container and labeled and a checklist was posted on the inside of the closet door to help parents and child know what steps to take to reset the bedroom.


The most important point for Rebeka was that her daughter could find it. “It was critical that it be something that she could do, maintain, enjoy.”


We are things like now?

“AWESOME!  (insert sound of angels singing) What I Iove is what she said this morning.  ‘I read 8 books last night because I could find them and then I put them away.’”


We asked Rebekah what she felt the three biggest changes were?


1 Visually – It’s much more pleasing to the eye visually.


2 She can do it herself and she has confidence.


3 She can find stuff.  


“I didn’t know I had so many Shopkins!  She LOVED the container we found, it opened like a garage door. :-)”


In additional to Rebekah’s Day with an Organizer, she also brought Sappari in to create a strategy for children’s playroom and the liquor closet.   We provided the plan, measurements and specifics on what to purchase.  She put in about 3 hours of time in the two additional spaces.  You can see the before and after below. 🙂


Looking for relief for a room in your home?  Bring an organizer in for only $600 a day with a Strategy Session and up to $100 of products included if needed. Call today or click here to make your appointment.  These sessions book very quickly and we have only 4 spots left for June!



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