Clutter Is a Boundary Violation

The crossover between the mental, physical and spiritual always amazes and excites me.  We are connected beings and when we ‘tune in’ to what is happening in the physical world we can affect our mental health and vice versa.

This month we are talking about boundaries. Often, the word boundaries can bring up strong emotions.  You may feel restricted or freed.  You may see walls or a safe space.   Today, I want you to think about boundaries as they relate to your stuff.

I recently (in the last year) read the book, Boundaries. The authors are Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend and they have a passage talking about physical boundaries. They explain how physical boundaries indicate where property begins and who the owner of that property is. Boundaries also dictate who is responsible for everything that happens on that particular property. So fences and other signs indicate where my property is and that I’m responsible for all the stuff within this space. They go on to say that there are spiritual boundaries or non-physical boundaries that can define the same thing. These boundaries can define who or what is me and what is not me, what belongs to you, what belongs to me and so forth.

It is a boundary violation when clutter exists in your life. That clutter has been allowed to violate the boundary of what I say is mine or not mine and what is acceptable in my space and what is not acceptable in my space. Sometimes this happens simply by default because you haven’t decided where the boundary is. We haven’t decided what is acceptable to have in our environment, what tasks are acceptable to be on our task list and what is going to be allowed into that space and into that environment. So I want you to think about that today, I want you to think about what is in your life, your physical

You haven’t decided what is acceptable to have in your environment, what tasks are acceptable to be on your task list and what is going to be allowed into a particular space. I want you to think about that today, I want you to think about what is in your life, your physical

I want you to think about that today. I want you to think about what is in your life, your physical life and your spiritual life. Have you allowed yourself to just exist without defining what is acceptable to be in your space? Whether you are really going to be responsible for it being in that space? Can you imagine in your mind a fence around you? Are there things that you just haven’t made a decision on whether they fit? Are there things that you have allowed other people to put into your space and have not been clear about what is acceptable to be there and what is not?

So, for today, think about your boundaries as they relate to the physical stuff and maybe even the spiritual stuff in your life. It is my hope that you will create a space that reflects who you are, what you’re doing and where you’re going.   I would love to help you on your journey.  Let’s schedule a time to talk

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