Do you know what’s easy to do? Complain.
It’s so easy to rattle off a list of complaints a mile long and not think twice about it.
And I’ll admit it…I have those times when I just need to get it off my chest and let it out. We all do, am I right? (The New York Times even wrote an article entitled: Go Ahead and Complain. It Might Do You Good – so that’s good, isn’t it? It certainly made me feel a touch better about my complaining.)
But after a bit of time has passed, I often find myself sitting back and saying, “Why did I even waste my time and energy complaining?” Because really…what does it get you? A momentary release of frustration? Sure. (And as I said, sometimes that’s all we need! I’m not sure how many more times my kids can interrupt me during a coaching call before I completely lose my cool!) But did you resolve anything? Probably not.
And while complaining is easy, do you know what’s hard? Expressing gratitude.
You’ve probably gotten better at it. But gratitude can be hard…and 2020 didn’t make it any easier.
This year was difficult for many. Many people had to make some tough choices about their business and how to keep it going. Serious cuts needed to be made to operating expenses. And the pandemic has had serious effects on our mental, emotional, and physical health – which all spills over into our businesses.
But practicing gratitude is essential for your business – and during difficult times, it may be even more crucial. Enterprise League shared 3 reasons why expressing gratitude in business is important:
1) Gratitude brings improvement.
When you show gratitude towards your employees, your employees will be more likely to adopt this same attitude. And when they feel appreciated and valued – performance improves.
2) Gratitude cements bonds.
When you show gratitude to your clients, you build a bond. Know that gratitude is a non-negotiable part of the business-client relationship.
3) Gratitude builds partnerships.
Even if you are a one-person show, no one can do their job alone. We all need to connect with others, and by expressing gratitude, you can build that connection.
Now, you may be thinking, “Oh, wow! Have I been doing these things?” And the answer is: Yes, you probably have. Have you:
· Thanked your VA for finishing a project early?
· Sent your client a thank you for continuing to work with you this year?
· Commented on a blog and said how helpful it was?
These things – and so many other things you do on a daily basis – are the perfect little ways to express gratitude – and keep us off the Complain Train. (Hey – if you’re still on the Complain Train – try getting off at the next stop! You’ll be happy you did!)
Of course, if you’re looking for another way, I want to invite you to join The Global Gratitude Jar (Facebook Group). Geoffrey Blake, the founder of The Global Gratitude Jar, explains in his own words:
This group was created to give the gift that I received years ago, when I started my daily gratitude practice. It started with a journal and a mechanical pencil. Then I had a jar and small slips of paper that I wrote my daily gratitude on. Jars don’t travel very well, and I love to travel, and that’s where the idea for this group came from.
Since storing all of your grateful and loving feelings inside of a jar doesn’t do any good for anyone else, it made sense to create this virtual jar. A safe space, free of judgment, filled with your grateful peers from all over the world.
Doesn’t that sound great?!
Every day you can stop in and post what you’re grateful for – from the big things (like building a strong team to help you) to the little things (like your favorite barista giving you an extra shot of espresso on a Monday morning). There’s nothing too big or too small to be thankful for – and this is the perfect time of year to start practicing gratitude. (And if you want a little extra motivation for expressing gratitude daily, The Global Gratitude Jar keeps track of how many days in a row you post! If you have teens who participate in Snapchat Streaks – it’s a bit like that – but SOOOOO much better!)
I challenge you to practice gratitude! Share it with those around you! Share it with me! (Yes, I’d LOVE to hear what you’re grateful for! Just hit reply and share away!) Just share it!
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