Happy Thursday to you!
I hope you’ve been having a great week and had a chance to check out Dr. Roch Herold’s “What Businesses Need to Know Right Now” interview about worksite wellness that I shared on Tuesday.
Often, we’re so busy working in and on our business that our health and well-being can sometimes go to the back burner – and that’s not where it needs to be. It definitely deserves a place up front – because if you’re not healthy, your business is going to suffer.
And that brings me to another person you should certainly get to know – and that’s Geoffrey Blake. Some of you were introduced to Geoffrey in December when I shared his Global Gratitude Jar with you all as a way of bringing more intentionality and, yes, gratitude into your life on a daily basis.
As part of his Global Gratitude initiative, Geoffrey also has Grateful Sweat! This is a group within Global Gratitude that’s dedicated to “Finding gratitude in the miracle of our bodies, our abilities, and our adaptabilities.”
If you’re looking for support from like-minded people as you work to find time to move each day – then you just might want to check this out!
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