Get Organized for 2016

All this talk about resolutions has got me thinking about that one I hear the most, “I resolve to ‘Get Organized’ this year.”  But what does it mean?  How does one get started toward reaching that goal to get organized for 2016?

January is GO Month (Get Organized Month) and for the past two weeks my email has been hopping with people going on and looking for organizers in their area.  (As an aside, if you are truly looking for an organizer, try or for a more reputable list of qualified organizers.)

But getting back to the ‘Get Organized’ discussion…

What exactly do you have in mind when you think about getting organized for the New Year?

When I speak to individuals and groups about getting organized, these are the words I often hear:New Year's Eve resolution to get organized for 2016

  • Everything in its place.
  • I can find what I need when I need it.
  • Peace
  • My home is company ready.
  • Relaxed
  • Room to breathe, live, play…
  • I have just what I need, at my fingertips

Do these things resonate for you?  What does organizing mean for you?  Take a moment and write it down.

Having just what I need, at my fingertips.  I will have less ‘stuff.’

Now, think about how you feel when you ‘Get Organized.’  Write this down on your paper.

I will feel relaxed.  Cleaning will be easier. I will feel good about the things I own (they will not possess me!). 

Last, what are the steps you are going to take to ‘get organized’?  As with all resolutions and goals, those that are not specific or actionable are not likely to be completed.  Write down the steps that you will need to take to get organized. Identifying the steps you will take will act as a blueprint. What is the smallest possible step you can take to get started?  Find 1 item to remove and get it out! Then work through the list of steps you wrote down. Here is a sample list.

  • Work through each room of the house
  • Work on each space for 15 minutes a day
  • Remove the trash and recyclables
  • Gather like items together
  • Donate the items I am not using that are in good condition
  • Participate in a Clutter Challenge


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