Be Grateful, Even for the Little Things

This message keeps coming to me from multiple channels.  Whenever that happens, I know it is a message I am meant to hear and share.  Do you ever experience this?

I am currently reading, 40 Days of Prayer for my Business by Becky A Davis.  The passage today was a familiar one to me, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 16:10, The Bible.   Even though I have heard this passage since childhood I never thought about it within the framework of gratitude, until today.

What if we are meant to see this passage through a lens of gratitude?  Imagine that the ‘little’ we are responsible for are the small blessings we receive every day.  If we are entrusted with these small blessings and GRATEFUL for them then we will be given greater, more abundant blessings?  If we overlook and ignore the small, then we will be dealt an unhappy hand.

How often do good things come our why that we take for granted or never even recognize?  A door held open, a tax refund, a kind word?  And yet if we recognize these small good things then our eyes will be opened to the bigger and bigger blessings that come our way.  If we ignore them, we see only the difficulty, pain and distress in this world.

What small blessings are you receiving?  Could you find 100 things to be grateful for every day?  If you did see the world through a lens of gratitude how might that improve your life?  What bigger blessings might you be entrusted with?



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