Pause To Regain Clarity

“Clarity is essential. The first and most important need for your business is to know what it does, who it does it for, how it does it, and what you ultimately want to create with your business. When there is uncertainty, pause to regain clarity.” What Businesses Need To Know: How to Flourish in Uncertainty

This quote comes directly from the most recent volume in the Sagacity Series, “What Businesses Need To Know,” which was released on April 20, 2022. 

The interviews from this book were collected from October 2020 to June 2021. If you’ll allow me a moment, I want to paint a picture for you. 

In October 2020, the first vaccines against Covid 19 were being tested and the rumors of a second wave, worse than the first, were trickling onto pandemic projection graphs.  

The second wave hit and was worse. 

Vaccines became available, too, and by June 2021, the deadly effects of the spread were diminishing. 

It was a time of daily, sometimes moment to moment uncertainty.  

Decisions were made and changed rapidly.  

Perhaps, like in the last 100 years, we will not see another pandemic of this kind for another 100 years. But the reality is that you will face challenges that shake your sense of normalcy and create uncertainty and doubt for you and your business.

While challenges, uncertainty, and doubt can leave you feeling fearful and hesitant to take action, pausing to reflect is a form of action. And now is the exact time you should be pausing and asking yourself some critical questions.

With all that has changed in the world, are you still clear about your business’s vision, mission, core values, and audience? If not, take the time to check in now.

Next, have you paused to create your own formula for handling a crisis from the pandemic and your response to it? Why not take a moment now?

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – Henry Ford

In this case, do not let the lives lost and massive disruption of the pandemic be for nothing. Learn from it.

Ask yourself the following questions and pose them to your team. Pause to gain the clarity that comes from reflection:

1. How did I respond during the pandemic?

2. What part of this response worked?

3. What part of this response didn’t work?

4. What new systems, structures, processes, or tools do I need to move into place to handle the next uncertain situation?

5. How will that help me? My business?

6. What is the first step to take?

These moments to pause are always available to us. “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor Frankl, Austrian Neurologist


If you love exploring these ideas and would like to talk about them and how they apply to your business, join us for a CEO Networking Meeting where we explore big ideas while expanding our network. 

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