Planning And Learning For Your Business Growth

How do you access the information to operate and grow your business? Then, and perhaps more importantly, how do you then pause to apply that learning in a strategic way – all while facing the challenges of everyday operations and an overabundance of information?

Every day, you have the opportunity to pause and plan, set goals, and check in on your progress. 

However, it is difficult to find the time, gather the people, and clear the space for this kind of thinking. 

These valuable resources exist, but…

There are lots of opportunities to learn what you need to know to run your business successfully. You could enroll in a university, take an online course, purchase a book, work one-on-one with a consultant, listen to podcasts, watch videos, or read blogs. The problem isn’t really the access to the information. At this point in our human history, information is abundant and almost freely available. 

But that is also the problem; you can spend a significant amount of time finding and curating the information you need.

Curated information has become highly valued. Many of us are willing to sidestep the proliferation of webinars to laser focus on the learning we need. But we are often still running ourselves ragged and failing to pause to plan. It’s rarely the case that we do not know what we should do, but more likely, we fail to change our behavior now for a future result. 

What’s the answer?

How do we bring together the valuable information and resources we need AND take that needed time to implement and take real action towards our goals?  

I wanted to answer this question for myself and for those I work with. And so, following the advice of Toni Morrison, “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it,” I created the Strategy Symposium

A symposium is a conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject. I selected “strategy” because it encompasses a wide variety of topics depending on your focus for 2022. Whether it be finances, marketing, visibility, mindset – you name it – you need a strategy. 

Next, my team reached out to experts who could provide strategic information on the topics that are important to you. We then set up the delivery of this information to provide the greatest ability to receive, interact, and apply it. 

This virtual event combines the learning/access to specific information with the dedicated time to apply that information to your business. In order for it to work, I required that the presenters even address adult learning styles and constraints, as well as the additional need for implementation – which is so often overlooked.

What information do you need to know next to operate and grow your business?

Take a moment to answer that question before reading on. I would encourage you to pause and grab your journal (or wherever you take notes) and just brainstorm on that topic. When you are ready, come back to finish reading here. 

These are the sessions we have planned for the Strategy Symposium. They are all available the moment you click to register

Victoria WhitfieldHow to Activate Momentum with Shamanic Vision Journey Meditation
Brian RassiIt’s Possible – You’re on Precipice of Your Next Level
Scot & Dede MactaggartWhat You Learn About Humans After Watching 10,000 Pitches
Dana Moore5 R’s To Reinvigorate Your Team, Business, and Revenue
Jennifer McGinleyAre You Ready For The Spotlight? Using Public Relations To Increase Awareness
Wanda TuriniLeveraging Visibility To Boost Your Impact And Your Business
Ruthie BowlesThe WHY Workshop
Judy KaneIs Your Subconscious Supporting or Sabotaging Your Business?
Wendy ManganaroYour 2022 Google Review Strategy
Jeffrey AllynRedefine Your Approach to Conflict & Disconnect Within Your Personal & Professional Relationships…*Even if the Other Person(s) Refuses to Change! *
Betsy HallStrategic Socializing: Communicating Values and Value
Nettie OwensHow To Stay Motivated in Order to Create a Sustainable Business
Laura ReissWhat How Why. Questions That Will Take Your To Do List To Done.

Yes, all of these sessions will be available to you BEFORE your actual chosen day to attend the symposium – and you may be wondering why? 

The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning at Harvard University shares resources on their page for Active Learning – which is what we should all be engaged in. Their page says, “Active learning includes any type of instructional activity that engages students in learning, beyond listening, reading, and memorizing.” One of these methods is a Flipped Classroom, where the information is provided ahead of time and in the classroom, there is discussion, practice, etc. that manipulates that information.” Following this method, the teaching of the Strategy Symposium is provided in advance of the event so that you will be able to ask questions, apply, and use that information during your strategic planning time. 

We want you to have access to these presentations before, during, and after the Strategy Symposium so that you can continue to use and reference them.  

When will you set aside time to strategically plan for your next business year? 

Again, I invite you to pause – and this time, access your calendar and block off time to create a strategic plan, review and update that plan, ensure you are following the plan, and then to adjust the plan to the reality of what is actually happening in your business. Set aside time – first annually, then quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily.

To make this easier, I selected three days you could choose from for your strategic planning day. While the Strategy Symposium is happening over four days, and you have access to a variety of networking, masterminding, and development activities over this time, you only select ONE DAY as your strategic planning day. You may choose:

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 8:30am – 4pm ET OR

Thursday, January 20, 2022 10:30am – 6pm ET OR

Friday, January 21, 2022 11:30am – 7pm ET
Being in business has many challenges, but getting the information you need and planning to reach your goals doesn’t have to be on the list. Take time today to do the exercises I have shared here, and then plan to join us this year at the 2022 Strategy Symposium.

Please comment below, I would love to hear from you.

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