A Race for Freedom with Araminta Freedom Initiative

The weather forecast was 100% chance of rain and temperatures in the low 50’s. Not the ideal sunshine and 70’s that would draw crowds to participate. But, undaunted, Araminta Freedom Initiative, supported by volunteer groups determined to spread the word on that cause of human trafficking persevered and hosted the Race Against Traffick on Saturday, May 13, 2017.

The event provided a 10k, 5k and 1k run and walk for multiple levels of participation. Vendors, sponsors, and volunteers coordinated additional services and activities including food, face painting, massages, and bubbles.


As the 8 am race start approached, the rain stopped and prayers were answered. It was perfect weather for a race. Hundreds lined up to the line including my husband, our three children and me. It was the first race we participated in as a family. In my mind the thought that this cold, wet day was a small sacrifice to give those who are trapped in slavery persisted. But, as the event unfolded what rose to my attention were the smiles and joyful expressions of every participant. Even amongst my three children ages 11, 9, and 7, there were no complaints. They all knew for whom they were running and every step was worth it.


The opportunity to share with even one more person that human trafficking exists and exists in our city, our community our neighborhood was enough to warm our bodies and keep us pressing on for them.

On Saturday, Araminta came close to reaching their fundraising goal of $60,000 to support survivors of trafficking and continue their education efforts. It is my hope to continue to use my voice to share their cause and efforts and continue to boost efforts to those in need.


As a thank you to anyone who participated or who contributes now, I will happily give the Time Management Mini Course. Email your race registration or donation receipt to info@nettieowens.com and a link to the program will be sent shortly thereafter.


Thank you for supporting, Araminta Freedom Initiative and survivors of human trafficking.





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