As I sit here looking at the remnants of yesterday’s Christmas celebration – the stray piece of wrapping paper, a few cookie crumbs, and Christmas cards from friends and family, I am overwhelmed as I think how much I have to be thankful for…it’s beyond measure.
And this thankfulness I’m feeling has me pondering about a word that maybe we don’t use too often…abundance.
Right now, I have an abundance of love in my life. I have an abundance of gratitude for healthy and happy friends and family. (I even ATE an abundance of Christmas cookies yesterday!)
And do you know what I realized? This feeling I have right now is a matter of mindset. I have chosen to receive abundance into my life – and going forward, I want to have this feeling in ALL aspects of my life – work included.
How about you? Are you ready to receive abundance when it comes to your business?
Stephen Covey talked about the “abundance mentality” in his best-selling book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” and he said that people need to remember there is more than enough success to go around – that you don’t have to see the success of others as a loss for yourself. High fives to Stephen Covey! Because we should definitely be celebrating the successes of one another!
But what do you need to do if YOU want to receive abundance into your business?
Covey’s first three habits are as good a place as any to start! He says:
I like these because they seem to be pointing to the big picture of receiving abundance for your business – for setting yourself up for success. And with 2021 rushing towards us, it’s definitely time to put the plans in place to make it the best year ever! (And these tie in so perfectly with the upcoming Battle Board Workshop on January 5th!)
Of course, there are smaller steps to receiving abundance. These are the things you do day in and day out to attract abundance to your business – and your life – and to just feel good.
Success shared “11 Ways to Attract Abundance in Your Life” that really capture the things we should be thinking about often to do just that – and they’re all fantastic. While you aren’t going to focus on each of these 11 ways every day – perhaps you can choose 1 to bring to the forefront of your mind each week.
This week I’m choosing “Make the most of the infinite possibilities ahead of you.” Doesn’t that sound like a great way to start 2021?
How about you? Where are you going to put your focus to receive abundance? Are you going big picture or small picture this week?
Please comment below. I would love to hear from you.
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