What do you do?
My business provides deep spiritual support, training and retreat experiences on holistic stress management, energywork and natural intuition mastery to serious spiritual seekers, creative and driven entrepreneurs, and heart-centered organizations so they can feel and be truly grounded as they step fully and abundantly into their divine life purpose. This is my legacy and life’s passion and I’m excited to share it with you!
I believe that what matters most is how you feel; when you feel good you show up in your power and spread more love and goodwill in your communities, personal as well as professional. I also believe that when you do this, regardless of where or how, that you are a Spiritual Healer, otherwise known as a “lightworker” – you are someone who shines the light of love and healing in our dark world.
I know firsthand that it takes a tremendous amount of courage and energy to be that beacon, because every balanced healer walks her own Healing Journey, first. I believe that the journey can get rough and lonely when you go it alone, but when you have your support system, or your “Tribe” as I like to call it, you can not only make it through the trials that come up to test you in bad times, but you can also discover and open up to new heights of joy and connectedness in life that heretofore you didn’t even know existed. I believe in supporting you in staying open on your Healing Journey, because it’s easier to do so together rather than alone.
How did you get into this profession?
How does being organized help you in your work?
I believe that structure is powerful energywork. Being organized is grounding and healing for me because it helps me focus and feel good about the task at hand, and when those two come together I achieve so much more with better results and less effort. Above all else I value feeling safe and loved at all times, and being organized supports me in feeling these ways, and I find that it’s contagious — my clients and students consistently report that they feel so safe, grounded and at peace in our work because of the consistency and structures that create a sacred space for us to do healing work in. I feel that being organized is a sign of self respect and self care.
What do you do to help your clients take control of their life?
I lovingly hold them accountable to confronting the things they fear or think they can’t do. In my work I don’t “treat” or “fix” people – you’re a human being, not a computer. I believe in the Universal Truth that we are all natural Creators; you have all the power to create your life at all times. And because of this, I shower my clients with positive expectation, encouragement and affirmation so that they can align with this Universal Truth, too. I also hold space for them as they confront areas of their life that feel out of control and support them in their healing process around these issues as they arise and assist them in releasing these blockages.
Does one of these words/phrases speak to you? Why?
Continuous Self-Improvement – I resonate with this phrase “Continuous Self-Improvement” the most because I believe that the path to mastery and creating a deeply fulfilling life is the path of the perpetual practicing student. That’s how I live my life. I have an insatiable curiosity and I simply love learning, especially about how to be a better me. To be honest, I used to think that I wasn’t “enough” and that’s why I’d strive for self improvement, but over the years I’ve shifted my focus from trying to be “enough” to finding great joy and pleasure in self exploration simply for the love of the discovery process. I believe that self improvement pursued in a holistic and spiritually healthy way can be an ongoing act of profound self love and nurturing; I find it’s a road to communicate better with the Divine within, as well as the community around us in increasingly profound and intimate ways.
How should people contact you? Please include at least a website and phone number.
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Voicemail: 732-903-8573
Email: SenseiVictoriaWhitfield@gmail.
Victoria’s Love Letters Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.c
Victoria’s Meditation Class Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.c
Buy Victoria’s Book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Natural-Intuition-Now-awakening-spiritual/dp/1534731660/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1484575209&sr=8-1&keywords=natural+intuition+now
You can achieve peace and calm 
It’s time to get out from underneath the clutter. And it is not just physical clutter that is holding you back from living the life of your dreams but the clutter in your schedule and your mind. The focus for you right now needs to be on identifying the issues, finding their source, letting go of that stuff that is holding you back. You need to set goals and prioritize around what it is you are trying to achieve and why that is important to you.
[…] A sacred space or a “sacred container;” I just heard it recently on from the lovely Victoria Whitfield. A sacred container is basically the time and the space; whether it’s physical or mental, […]
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