
In recent weeks I have been fielding questions from curious friends on what we are doing, how it works and where to find information.  On the surface, it can seem as though you are delving into unchartered territory.  However, once you break through the psychological, cultural and tradition barriers you will find a thriving community of people just like you in exactly the same place as you thriving on a plant-based lifestyle.

Three months ago, I didn’t even know where to start but now I know how to form my google search to find recipes and blogs that work for my family.  I know how to adapt recipes to make them plant strong and we have developed a new set of favorites and go-to recipes to make cooking easier.  That first month though was about wiping the slate clean from the eating that we were familiar with and trying something entirely different.

If you are starting this journey, I would encourage you to find blogs of others who are established in eating this way and to connect with friends and family that are willing to set out with you.  Here are a few I stumbled on:

But there are MANY out there.  Find ones that resonate with you and your family.

A BIG kudos to two friends who have stepped out to try plant based ideas in the way the best fits them.

The first, “Alfonso”, has switched to eating meatless lunches.  I absolutely love that he is open to trying what works for him and love that the result has been more energy  in the afternoon.

The second friend, “Clarisse”, has fully embraced plant based and is on her third day with her young family.   Here is what she has to say on how things are going:

The kids are diggin’ the coconut milk! I bought Ezechial’s sprout bread and they love that with pb. Loads of dry and fresh fruit. Thing 1 loves hummus so I’ve given her pretzels with that. Dried sweet corn too. The kids Clif bars are dairy free from what I can tell and they love those! Neither will do broccoli yet but beans have been a daily thing. It’s the veggies that are hard with them but I did a brown rice pasta last night in a veggie marinara with kidney beans. They ate it, so yay! Even though Thing 2 picks out what’s ” different” we’ve gotten her to try things! Loving kale chips! Me n Hubby, not the kids yet. I did find a crunchy snap pea thing but its not the best. Dark chocolate’s been a treat for them for trying things. Bought some rice cheese today and got the nutritional yeast today, too.

I’m going to make yams into “fries” tomorrow with a stir fry. Leftovers for lunch are great! Breakfast has been a lot of cereal and fruit, making sure its dairy free and going whole grains. Bought coconut and almond yogurt from the store because Thing 2 loves yogurt n granola for breakfast.’

I think we make a big mistake and underestimate our beautiful children when we jump to the conclusion that they will not be ‘on-board’ with this diet change.  They may not love every part of it but I think you will find that they will be even more receptive than adults, more open to understanding the hows and why’s and more likely to latch on to new favorites.  Well done Alfonso and Clarisse, keep up the great work and share your success so that it may be an encouragement to others!

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