As an entrepreneur or CEO, I know that you are passionate and highly motivated. You have a vision, and you’re not afraid of taking risks. You’re a problem solver who can tackle any obstacle. You’re an achiever who sets big goals and works hard to achieve them.
And you probably pride yourself on your ability to do it ALL!
But that’s exactly what I want to talk about today…that need you may have to do it all, the need to be responsible for everything.
That need actually has a name.
It’s called Superhero Syndrome.
It’s this idea that you can do it all, fix it all, be all — perfectly.
I bet you read that and thought, “That can’t be healthy.”
And you are correct.
Superhero Syndrome has negative effects on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Additionally, it not only has consequences for you, but it can also affect your friends and family and your team members.
There are four signs of Superhero Syndrome:
· The inability to say no to things — even when you want to
· Lack of trust in your team to support you
· Taking each and every mistake or failure — no matter the size — as an indicator of your inability to achieve goals (lack of objectivity)
· The need to be everything to everyone in your life
Now that you’ve read them — can you see how it can be unhealthy for you and those around you?
So, what can you do to overcome this?
· You can start by saying no to things — especially those things you don’t want to do.
· You can give your team the resources they need to support you — and let them do it!
· You can be objective in the way that you evaluate yourself.
· You can set aside the need to be the one-stop-shop for everyone and rely on the expertise of others.
· You can strive for progress, not perfection.
Don’t fall into the trap of trying to be Wonder Woman or Superman — because you don’t have to do it all.
“All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best we can do is start over.” — Agent Carter
If you see yourself suffering from Superhero Syndrome…it may be time for a quick reset or as Agent Carter said…to start over.
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