I Surpassed My Goals!

Barbara WagnerDreams to Action January 2013

Venue: Richlin Ballroom Number of Attendees: 30

I attended “Dreams to Action” in January of 2013. At the time, my schedule was very full, but scattered. I was working very hard but felt I was not getting anywhere. Have you ever felt that way? I did not feel I was putting any of my efforts in the proper directions to meet my goals. Honestly, I was so busy with day-to-day life that I had not even taken the time to sit down and examine exactly what my priorities were, and what goals I was actually trying to accomplish! In retrospect, I was not getting anywhere because I did not even know where I was trying to go! Today, approximately one year later, I pulled out my “Dreams to Action” workbook and was overwhelmed by the fact that I had actually accomplished most of my goals in one short year, and in several cases surpassed my goals!!

One year ago, I was serving as an elected official for the City of Havre de Grace, and working along side my husband in our business BAHOUKAS Antique Mall & Beer MuZeum. I was also involved in the Havre de Grace Green Team, a grass roots effort focusing on positive environmental actions. I am a Registered Dietitian by trade and most of my career has been in the healthcare field. Personally, I had converted to a plant based diet and have been very excited about how this had promoted positive changes in my overall health status. All of these different parts of me did not seem to be congruent or to connect.

Attending “Dreams to Action” provided me the time, space and guidance that I needed. I was guided thru the process of examining what my priorities were, and then was able to set goals and create action items to move me in the direction of my goals. In a half-day workshop I set the plan I needed to move me in the direction of my goals!

One year later, I am no longer serving as an elected official after choosing not to run for re-election at the endbahoukas GreenJoy of my term. I launched my own line of eco-friendly products that are repurposed from vintage fabrics under the “GreenJoy” label. Initially, I had sold my “GreenJoy” products in our store, BAHOUKAS Antique Mall, but by the end of 2013, I opened my own store, BAHOUKAS GreenJoy focused on vintage use-ables and eco-friendly products. The second floor of BAHOUKAS GreenJoy is “The Meeting Place”, a space to gather and learn. The second floor is also home for my new private practice launched in 2014: “Barbara Wagner, RD, LDN, Plant Focused Nutrition”. And regarding the Havre de Grace Green Team- an application has been submitted for non-profit status and is pending review.

Would any or all of this have happened if I had not attended “Dreams to Action” in January of 2013? I doubt it! I would likely be still spinning my wheels!! Now the wheels are spinning in the direction I want to travel! And I actually know what that direction is!!! I am grateful for Nettie Owens and Sappari Solutions for giving me the opportunity to take my dreams and put them into action! If you have dreams and want them to become your reality, I highly recommend you invest a day in a “Dreams to Action” workshop! Where will it take you in the next year??

— Barbara Wagner, RD, LDN, Plant Focused Nutrition & Bahoukas GreenJoy

Register today for Dreams to ACTION! 2014 on February 22

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