Hot Chocolate You can’t have a snow day without hot chocolate! I took the wee ones for a snowy winter walk this morning and then it was time to warm up with a cup of cocoa. Even though we had just gone for a lovely walk I didn’t want to fill them up on sugar […]
Tag Archives: Simple Living
Get Organized for the New Year
All this talk about resolutions has got me thinking about that one I hear the most, “I resolve to ‘Get Organized’ this year.” But what does it mean? January is GO Month (Get Organized Month) and for the past two weeks my email has been hopping with people going on and looking for organizers […]
Be Small
Today and Monday, are days that I normally go ALL OUT to promote my business and share fabulous organizing deals with my clients, friends and those looking to be more organized. But this year, I am not going to do that. I am still Thankful for you! It is not that I do not love […]
I Am Thankful for… All My Most Difficult Trials
On Thanksgiving, it is easy to remember those things that are easy to be thankful for. It doesn’t mean that these things are any less important. But is easy to be thankful for our friends, family and the good gifts that God has bestowed upon us. But what about the tougher stuff? How many of […]
Approaching the Holidays
It has begun. The approach to the holidays. The Christmas decor has appeared in the stores, advertisements are talking about shopping, Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. Holiday parties are in the works. In fact, I am going to one tomorrow night. With just two weeks ’til Thanksgiving and a month and a half until […]
Taking a step: eat more leafy greens!
We have all heard it before: Eat More Leafy Greens! Why should we do that and what exactly is a leafy green? Why you should “Eat More Leafy Greens” A major problem with the Standard American Diet (SAD) today is we eat too many processed foods. These processed foods contain very low levels of essential […]
Organized Living
What is Organized Living? Often when I share with individuals that I am a professional organizer and provide organization for a living the response is, ‘Oh, I could use THAT!’ or ‘My goodness, my mother needs you!’ When I share that I work with the chronically disorganized population as well the next statement is a […]
“Carrot Tops” Pesto! Have I gone nuts??
The Confession I have a confession to make: I hate to waste anything fresh from the garden! That being said, when I found this recipe for carrot tops pesto I was skeptical. How good could these carrot tops possibly taste if I had been throwing them away for all these years? I never even heard […]
How to Dry Oregano
Dried fresh oregano is yummy and tasty! Oregano and other fresh herbs are easy to grow and are a tasty addition to freshly cooked meals! Oregano is an herb with a warm, balsamic and aromatic flavor making it the perfect for Mediterranean and Mexican cuisines. This popular herb’s name means “mountain joy”. Easy to dry! When herbs […]
Jamaican Red Bean Stew
A good friend of mine passed this recipe along to me. I made changes, as I do, to make it more plant based and use the foods that I had available. The Savvy Vegetarian also borrowed the recipe from the book the Quick-Fix Vegetarian: Healthy (Google Affiliate Ad). If you enjoy my blog and the delicious […]