Taming Tax Time

deskMost of us are looking forward to Spring after this unusually cold and snowy winter but not many are looking forward to April 15th. Do you dread tax time? If you don’t know where your tax documents are, this can be the most stressful time of the year.

Imagine how relaxed you would feel if you knew the whereabouts of every paper needed for your taxes. This IS achievable. We are experts in handling paperwork & mail. We realize people have different learning styles and abilities so we don’t use a cookie cutter approach. We provide non-judgemental support and capitalize on your strengths, crafting a system that works for you.

Due to a very stressful life event Maryanne (not her real name) stopped opening mail or dealing with paperwork. Instead she put papers and mail into bags to get them out of the way then stashed them in the garage because she was embarrassed to have anyone see them. As the number of bags grew, so the stress and unease increased for Maryanne. When Maryanne called Sappari Solutions, she was so overwhelmed, she couldn’t begin to think of how to take care of all the paperwork. Our professional organizers know what to do and were able to process the backlog of mail so that Maryanne only had to deal with a manageable amount at a time. With our guidance, she made the decisions about what was to be kept, recycled or shredded. Next we set up a system tailored to Maryanne’s strengths so she can keep on top of  bills and find what is needed. We introduced Maryanne to some electronic methods to help reduce the amount of paper that needs to be kept in the future. If you are having a problem with paper, we can do the same for you or your business. Take the terror out of tax time. Contact us today to find out how we can help you or call 443 904 5412.

In doubt as to how long you need to hold on to different types of documents? Get our free guide Paper Retention Guide.

— Jane Hall

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