What Do Businesses Need To Know Right Now About Tapping Into Your Inner Goddess To Be The Leader The World Needs Right Now

What’s something you do each morning to start your day?

One of my personal practices is pulling a guidance card every morning. Some people call this divination, and some people use this as a spiritual practice. You may be familiar with it, for example, with tarot cards or Oracle cards, or even as simple as flipping through the Bible or other religious texts and letting your eyes, mind, and spirit guide you to the message that you need for that moment in that day.

I’ve learned to do it in my various studies of world religion. It is grounding, and it honors the divine feminine power that flows through all of us. All of us are born through a woman. We are all attached to that energy. And that doesn’t mean that we don’t need the masculine, honor the masculine, and love the masculine. But women’s energy is about change and really touching and creating a well of nourishment. Right now, we need to know that there’s a lot of change going on in the world and that we are also called to change in many ways. We won’t survive if we try to continue to do things in the same way, and we’re seeing that right now.

And so, I like to call on the Goddesses using the Goddess Guidance Oracle deck. I’m just going to pull a card for us. What do we, as business owners, business leaders, and spiritual leaders, need to know right now? What comes up is Brigit. She says, don’t back down; stand up for what you believe is right.

Do you have a morning routine? Something you do to start your day off right? What does it look like for you?

What do you do with your clients to assist them spiritually?

In my work, I guide my clients, my friends, and loved ones to be connected to that inner voice and their core values. We find that those most successful, as Brendon Burchard mentions in his book, “High Performance Habits,” are business owners and leaders that have a routine. They have a non-negotiable practice. And much of that includes a spiritual practice.

Spiritual practices can look like prayers, journaling, and writing, even exercising. It’s really what connects you to a sense of being grounded and having clarity and confidence.  Spiritual practices and the way that we are gentle and compassionate with ourselves helps us to be gentler and more compassionate in the world. And again, it’s what we need right now.

Do you have non-negotiable practices that are part of your daily life? What are they – and why are they non-negotiable for you? Knowing “the why” helps you to make them a habit that brings success.

Our businesses are an outpouring of our own inner mission. Connecting the routine of spirituality into your business and leadership can help give you direction.

Conflict arises when our actions don’t line up with our beliefs. And that causes conflict inside of us. As a global community, we’re experiencing conflict, and our actions are not really lining up or aligning with what we desire to bring to our world, who we are, the kinds of communities that we’ve decided to create, and how we want to care for and love one another.

Many of us in business are entrepreneurs and business leaders because we have a mission. We have a desire to bring forth in the world, something that’s important, something that will make this world a better place, and we are called to do that work.

There are those who are feeling that pull inside, that feeling that there’s something more they should be doing or that maybe there’s something they should be saying. You need to show up in the world and continue learning and discovering. This is a time of transition and transformation. Be gentle with yourself because you are being called. And it doesn’t mean that you have to fight with yourself to get there. It means to pause, listen to the voice deep within, and do the next right thing.

When spirit calls you, do, and you will continue to be supported. If you find that you’re having trouble identifying that message or what your spirit is calling you to do, then it’s time to institute a personal energy management practice or a spiritual practice. 

I like to do that in very gentle ways. One thing that I love to share is a musical meditation that calls us to become gentle and compassionate with ourselves while opening up to the messages of support, love, and action.

Clarity, confidence, and compassion are the qualities that business leaders need. Which of these three things are you excelling at right now? Is there one of these qualities where you need to put more of your focus and energy?

As a leader in your business, or as a leader in your community, how can you infuse more clarity, confidence, and compassion into your work?

Spiritual practice is important.

Confidence at its origin in Latin translates to – with faith. And when you put them together, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re showing up strong and doing all the work; it means that you are moving with faith. Find your faith within – whatever that is for you – just find your faith. Listen to that small voice and move.

If you’ve felt disconnected from that side of yourself or want to activate it, now may be an ideal time to do so. Spirituality and business do not need to be two separate entities.

3 Action Steps

1. Start your day with a non-negotiable practice that sets you up for success.

2. Lead with clarity, confidence, and compassion.

3. Find your voice of faith and know that spirituality and business do not need to be two separate entities.

Connect with Dana Moore at https://www.linkedin.com/in/dana-n-moore-b4930b172/ or Bit.ly/MyGoddessActivation

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