What Does An Organizer Do?

CyndiWhen I say “Professional Organizer” so many images are conjured in the people I am speaking to. They may see a super hero flying in to wipe out the clutter, a team of happy cleaning people bringing order to a space or a business professional (with a stop watch instead of a whip) keeping you on track with productivity.   In actuality, we act more as a friend or confidant to encourage you in your project all the while providing organizing solutions to fit your specific needs and abilities.
Recently one of my staff shared this commentary on her work with a client.  I hope this story inspires you to tackle whatever project you have been working on and know that in doing so you will touch the heart of another. (*names have been changed to protect confidentiality)
“So, today is bittersweet for me. I am both happy and sad! Today, I wrapped up my bimonthly organizing sessions with my favorite client Ana*. I have seen with my own eyes someone who, when we began about 9 months ago, was in disarray, disorganized, and very depressed. Frankly, her house was a mess from top to bottom and she had a pretty serious shopping problem. That is where we….Sappari Solutions came into her life and this is where her life took a drastic turnaround.
I have worked with Ana going through every inch of her house, cleaning out closets, corners, and drawers. I have never seen anyone as motivated as Ana and as willing to donate things. I seriously must have removed at least 10 car loads of donations and these were not junk. Most of her donations were clothes with tags still on them, brand new shoes, or appliances she had never used. She was a true inspiration and  I formed an incredible friendship with Ana. I really looked forward to our time together.
Every car load of things I took out, I saw Ana stand a little taller and her spirits lift. It was such a rewarding feeling to know I was making a difference in this lady’s life. I sure know she was making a difference in mine! So today was the day when we went through her last closet and as I looked around in total disbelief knowing where we began and seeing where we had come, I knew that we were finished and had accomplished what we had both set out to do. Ana is a different woman today!  As I hugged her goodbye I felt both happiness that she had fulfilled the task she set out to and was now a very happy lady, and sad because I know that she now can stand on her own, which means she doesn’t need me.
I am very proud of Ana…..my hero! And I can only hope, I will get lucky enough to have another client like Miss Ana!”

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