In September 2020, I invited visibility expert, Susan Rose of SusanRose.net to join me for tea and a chat. We were talking about what is needed to take your business to the next level. You can check out the full interview here (it’s about 15 minutes). But I thought I would summarize what Susan shared in nine highlights:
- Enjoy coffee or tea with friends and colleagues.
- Celebrate connections and relationships you have built by finding time to share experiences.
- Even though you can do planning alone in your office, take the time to do it with others where you will be challenged, held accountable, available for brainstorming, see things from another perspective, energized, and supported.
- Be with people that have a different life experience and perspective than you do.
- It’s ok if your plan changes, you can use other skills such as resiliency, problem solving, and leveraged relationships.
- There are lessons you cannot learn from reading a book but that come from shared experiences.
- Thinking, planning and masterminding are important but you must connect that to implementation.
- Be in a room where people are open to sharing their knowledge to support you and that you are willing to reciprocate.
- Take time away from the normal day to day of your business.
I’d love to hear from you. What tools do you use to help you scale your business?
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