When Was That Move? Time To Unpack

Before, working with Sappari Solutions the garage was cluttered because of frequent moves with the military. It was the same thing in the bedroom. The boxes hadn’t been unpacked for years!

These boxes moved around with us but they were just randomly all over the house. I didn’t know what was in any of the boxes! It was such a huge job to start going through all those boxes. I was on the verge of just throwing them out.

I knew what I intended to do, but I didn’t have the follow through and it was just so overwhelming to think about.

What Sappari helped me do: locate all boxes, sort content, & decide what to do

We began unpacking the boxes and I was able make steady progress. Now it’s complete. I found that there were things that I could get rid of and I discovered the things that I want to keep. I have created a place for those things now.

Paperwork was found that needed to be either shredded or filed. The stress of not knowing what I had and what to do with it was lifted.

Some of the things I found were precious and I almost threw them out.

The items I found restored so many memories. I am happy I know where everything is now to share it with my family. My daughter had been asking to look at old photographs and I just couldn’t locate them.

I found baby pictures of my kids, and pictures of family and friends that we hadn’t seen in years. My kids are so thrilled to be able to look at pictures of themselves as babies and to see some of the people that they have been hearing about. These are the people and places I wanted to share with my children and teach them about.

My peace of mind came when the boxes left and there were wide open spaces.

The space in our home is now so wide open. With no more boxes, we feel like the rooms are huge! It is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.  Now we are enjoying the house so  much more because we have the space to live in.

There is also a sense of freedom because it’s a job that was hanging over my head and now it’s done!

With Sappari, I feel like I have a partner in the effort of keeping it under control.

I really feel like I have a sense of freedom in my home that I didn’t have before.  The work with Sappari has really allowed me to finish the projects that I had been unable to finish myself.  I feel confident because I can call when I need a little help instead of waiting until I need a lot.

Life is so much smoother. I am not coming home to a cluttered house and unmade decisions. I enjoy coming home and being with my kids in a wonderful open space!

Things are more organized now and there is more peace in the space.

Sappari Solutions client, Kathleen, was gracious in sharing her story with us!

You can achieve peace and calm

It’s time to get out from underneath the clutter. And it is not just physical clutter that is holding you back from living the life of your dreams but the clutter in your schedule and your mind. The focus for you right now needs to be on identifying the issues, finding their source, letting go of that stuff that is holding you back. You need to set goals and prioritize around what it is you are trying to achieve and why that is important to you.


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